Our Team:


Kit “Buji” Cavales

Team Lead

Hello all! I was given the opportunity to take the team lead role. I had a blast in working and learning with my team. With this role, it was a priority to have a fun, friendly and efficient environment. Setting an atmosphere full of creativity and collaboration.

Aside from being project lead, I am one of the fellow programmers. I worked on developing various platforming and environmental gameplay elements, we wanted to make sure that Rad Rabbit is filled with numerous interactions and experiences. I also was in charge for our menus, UI and audio, making sure everything was pieced together and working harmoniously. Lastly I was responsible in handling our camera elements. This includes our cinematics and camera effects. This makes our game be able to really show our narrative as well as being able to provide player direction.

Contact Info:

Email: bujidevpro@gmail.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kit-cavales

Portfolio: kitcavales.com


Adam Lembo

Lead Programmer

As the lead programmer on Rad Rabbit I was responsible for keeping track of how our development process was going. Because of this I had a hand in almost everything that was going on in the project when it came to mechanics. I also created and developed the Enemy AI and designed and put together the second level of our game!

A majority of my time was spent either developing AI or assisting the other programmers with their various tasks. As well as trying to fix all of the pesky bugs that arose during the development process.

Contact Info:

Email: adamlembodev@gmail.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/adamlembo

Portfolio: adamlembo.github.io


Isaiah Lindsey


I was mainly the player programmer for this project. It was very interesting and challenging to program player movements and interactions in a game where player movement is so important. It needed to feel smooth and snappy for the different types of gameplay, as our game switches between different styles and camera angles. I needed a character that was versatile and felt very responsive in a lot of different situations. I worked very closely with Adam and Buji to make sure that the player interacted well with the AI and terrain throughout the game. Because of this, I wound up touching on every part of the project, which I found to be very educational. Environmental programming was challenging and fun, due to the fact that we had to make the world fun and intriguing to explore for the player that we had created. I really enjoyed this project and learned a lot.

Contact Info:

Email: isaiahlindsey@gmail.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/isaiah-lindsey-0a862a1b2/


Anthony Parisi

Lead Artist

As the Lead Artist on Rad Rabbit, my tasks ranged from overall art direction and consistency to 3D asset creation, sound effects, music, shaders, and material creation, and implementation. If it’s in the game, it most likely passed over my desk at some point.

I created several shaders with Unity’s Shader Graph to accomplish a cel-shaded, outlined visual style as well as animated shaders and particle systems for the desired visual effects we required. I created most of the environment art, materials, textures, and some of the characters seen throughout the game. as a final touch, I added some post-processing to push the visual style.

Contact Info:

Email: parisianthony01@gmail.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthony-parisi-9a9262180/

Portfolio: https://www.aparisi.me/


Andrew Peck


Working on the UI art for Rad Rabbit, my job was to create a fun and easy navigation menu with a consistent theme to flow with each of the screens. I worked on creating the main interface designs on the settings chalkboard, The TV help screen, and the pause menus. I worked with camera systems to transition to each of the panels creating a smooth flow. Creating the credits scene was my proudest piece of the UI with creating a camera transition to all the shelves with all our names made from the toy blocks. I also worked on some of the environmental assets within the scenes and applied them to flow naturally in the given world.

Contact Info:

Email: andrewPeck102299@gmail.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/andrew-peck-420975160/

Portfolio: https://www.andrewtpeck.com


Noah Soule


I had many roles in this project, but my biggest contribution would be as Narrative Designer and character modeler. As Narrative Designer, I conceptualized many of the characters and their relationships as well as the main storyline. I worked closely with other team members to ensure that the story progression aligned with the level progression and level design. Because I was so involved in the conception of the characters, I also took on the role of character modeler. I had the pleasure of modeling the player character, Sonny the Bunny, and the main antagonist, Ivan Snooze, the villainous Moon Man. I also modeled the Toy Soldier Enemies and many of the environment props and I created the illustrations used in the opening and closing cutscenes.

Contact Info:

Email: noahsoule26@gmail.com

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/noah-soule